Sunday, May 21, 2017


There is a certain feeling of contentment that comes when you know you've done everything you need to for the day. I could have just blown off all of my responsibilities and done nothing on this lazy Sunday, but I didn't. I made my deadline for my final edits, cooked my husband dinner, did the shopping and even washed the laundry. So dear readers, though there is a certain satisfaction of being lazy, there is far more reward in accomplishment.

Monday, May 1, 2017


I know dear readers it has been far too long since my last post. What can I say? Life is the unexpected journey we all must take. I made my deadline for my manuscript even though I thought I would miss it. Now it's just a lot of waiting and wanting and more waiting. Perhaps it's a good thing I have more than one story in me. Until next time dear readers, Happy Reading!